Twitter Avatar (Querying & Clustering)

This is the first of the 5 series of components for the Twitter Avatar v1.0 tool. Using an Elevated Access account, it queries the relevant Twitter data, and clusters the entities. The component is not meant to be used on its own, since each one of all the 5 components depend on one another. Users of the tool should download the complete workflow file in the KNIME Hub instead, and refer to the Medium articles written about the tool for further info.


Type in the radial distance from the geocoordinate points from which the tweets are to be extracted. The built-in metric is in miles, not kilometers. 25 miles is the max distance allowed by Twitter.
Enter Description
Upload your Excel file containing a single column. The first row's cell value must be "Coordinates" (without the quotes). It will be promoted as the column header by this component, and used as the unique identifier of the column that will be used whilst any remaining columns are removed. The coordinates datapoints must follow the exact format as seen in this example: 30.707,-95.566 where the lat and long values are separated by commas, with no other characters other than numbers, a comma, a dot and a negative sign (where applicable). All duplicates, empty cells and missing value rows are removed. It's highly recommended to provide at least 500 coordinates to get a good clustering.
Enter Description
Type your query below. You may do a keyword-based query, a brand-based query, or a combination of both. Refer to the workflow rubric again if you're not sure how to.
Enter Description
API Secret
Enter Description
Access Token
Enter Description
Access Token Secret
Enter Description
Bearer Token
Enter Description

Input Ports

This node has no input ports

Output Ports

The output connects to the first input port of the second component of the 5-Series tool.
The output connects to the second input port of the second component of the 5-Series tool.


