
Remove Rows Containing Words from a List

Remove Rows Containing Words from a List (Without Loops)

This workflow demonstrates how to filter out rows containing words from a list, without any need to use loops.

Option 1Split the sentences to individual words(separated by spaces), then compareeach word to each reference word in thelist. Option 2ATreat each reference words assubstrings. Find the substringsoccurence in the sentences using theLIKE operator, and remove the rowsaccordingly.This option is not recommended due tofalse signals that come with it. Forexample, if the reference word is "cat" andthe sentence has the word "catalyst", thatrow will be mistakenly removed. Option 2BTreat each reference words assubstrings. Find the substringsoccurence in the sentences using theCOUNT function, and remove the rowsaccordingly.Similar to Option 2A, this option is notrecommended due to false signals thatcome with it. For example, if the referenceword is "cat" and the sentence has theword "catalyst", that row will be mistakenlyremoved. DatasetFilter criteria(List of words as reference to filter)DatasetFilter criteria(List of words as reference to filter)DatasetFilter criteria(List of words as reference to filter)(Optional) Table Creator Table Creator Rule-basedRow Filter Cross Joiner Cell Splitter Math Formula ReferenceRow Filter String Manipulation Cross Joiner Rule-basedRow Filter ReferenceRow Filter Table Creator Table Creator Math Formula Table Creator Table Creator Math Formula String Manipulation Cross Joiner GroupBy Row Filter String Manipulation Row Filter String Manipulation String Manipulation String Manipulation String Manipulation Option 1Split the sentences to individual words(separated by spaces), then compareeach word to each reference word in thelist. Option 2ATreat each reference words assubstrings. Find the substringsoccurence in the sentences using theLIKE operator, and remove the rowsaccordingly.This option is not recommended due tofalse signals that come with it. Forexample, if the reference word is "cat" andthe sentence has the word "catalyst", thatrow will be mistakenly removed. Option 2BTreat each reference words assubstrings. Find the substringsoccurence in the sentences using theCOUNT function, and remove the rowsaccordingly.Similar to Option 2A, this option is notrecommended due to false signals thatcome with it. For example, if the referenceword is "cat" and the sentence has theword "catalyst", that row will be mistakenlyremoved. DatasetFilter criteria(List of words as reference to filter)DatasetFilter criteria(List of words as reference to filter)DatasetFilter criteria(List of words as reference to filter)(Optional) Table Creator Table Creator Rule-basedRow Filter Cross Joiner Cell Splitter Math Formula ReferenceRow Filter String Manipulation Cross Joiner Rule-basedRow Filter ReferenceRow Filter Table Creator Table Creator Math Formula Table Creator Table Creator Math Formula String Manipulation Cross Joiner GroupBy Row Filter String Manipulation Row Filter String Manipulation String Manipulation String Manipulation String Manipulation


