
Keras Reuters One_​Hot_​Knime_​Sparse_​Labels_​Jupyter

num_wordsget_train_data_hotoutput_dimensionget_test_data_hotnum_words64_relu64_relu46_softmaxCategorical Cross Entropy1000_val_dataApply trained networkarg_maxpredictedEvaluate networkperformancearg_maxlabels Match to intInteger Input Python Source Integer Input Merge Variables Python Source Keras Input Layer Keras Dense Layer Keras Dense Layer Keras Dense Layer Keras NetworkLearner Partitioning Keras NetworkExecutor Many to One Scorer Python Script Column Appender String To Number num_wordsget_train_data_hotoutput_dimensionget_test_data_hotnum_words64_relu64_relu46_softmaxCategorical Cross Entropy1000_val_dataApply trained networkarg_maxpredictedEvaluate networkperformancearg_maxlabels Match to intInteger Input Python Source Integer Input Merge Variables Python Source Keras Input Layer Keras Dense Layer Keras Dense Layer Keras Dense Layer Keras NetworkLearner Partitioning Keras NetworkExecutor Many to One Scorer Python Script Column Appender String To Number


