

Housing Market Madness

Housing prices in America are a bit out of control. In this challenge, you will see how housing prices have changed through time. Here are the tasks for this challenge:

1. Read the dataset for this challenge directly from its link, without downloading any files to your local machine with the CSV Reader node.

2. Using monthly data, calculate the yearly data and visualize the 3 RegionNames with the most drastic changes. Note: Consider the year the data was collected until the most recent year to calculate change; feel free to ignore missing values.

3. Find the state (regardless of region) with the lowest prices for homes on average currently.

4. According to Wikipedia, "The bankruptcy of Lehman Brothers on September 15, 2008 was the climax of the subprime mortgage crisis.". What visualizations can show the effect this had on the housing market? We used our answer to question 2 to keep our visualizations clutter-free.

1) read datasetdirectly from linkYearMonthRegionNameYearColumnValuesMean(abs_change in %)per yearmean prices2) Top 3 Regionswith most drasticpostitiv or negativ changesin a yearcurrent = April 20223) State with thecurrent lowest average pricefor homes2) Visualisationabs_change in %change in %RegionName + Year4) VisualisationNode 44 CSV Reader Unpivoting String to Date&Time Extract Date&TimeFields Group Loop Start Lag Column GroupBy Loop End GroupBy Top k Selector Date&Time-basedRow Filter Top k Selector ConditionalBox Plot Math Formula Math Formula Joiner String Manipulation GroupBy GenericJavaScript View Missing Value 1) read datasetdirectly from linkYearMonthRegionNameYearColumnValuesMean(abs_change in %)per yearmean prices2) Top 3 Regionswith most drasticpostitiv or negativ changesin a yearcurrent = April 20223) State with thecurrent lowest average pricefor homes2) Visualisationabs_change in %change in %RegionName + Year4) VisualisationNode 44 CSV Reader Unpivoting String to Date&Time Extract Date&TimeFields Group Loop Start Lag Column GroupBy Loop End GroupBy Top k Selector Date&Time-basedRow Filter Top k Selector ConditionalBox Plot Math Formula Math Formula Joiner String Manipulation GroupBy GenericJavaScript View Missing Value


