
01. Importing Data - solution

Importing Data

Solution to "Importing Data" exercise for basic Life Science User Training
- Import data from three different file formats (table, csv, xls)

Activity: Importing DataImport data from: - malariahts_experiment_hits.csv - malariahts_experiment_no-hits.xlsx - malariahts_molecules.sdf - malariahts_molecules_feature.tableAll the files are located under "Data" directory. (hint: Drag and drop files from the KNIME Explorer panel) malariahts_molecules.sdfmalariahts_experiment_no-hits.xlsxmalariahts_experiment_hits.csvmalariahts_molecules_feature.tableSDF Reader Excel Reader CSV Reader Table Reader Activity: Importing DataImport data from: - malariahts_experiment_hits.csv - malariahts_experiment_no-hits.xlsx - malariahts_molecules.sdf - malariahts_molecules_feature.tableAll the files are located under "Data" directory. (hint: Drag and drop files from the KNIME Explorer panel) malariahts_molecules.sdfmalariahts_experiment_no-hits.xlsxmalariahts_experiment_hits.csvmalariahts_molecules_feature.tableSDF Reader Excel Reader CSV Reader Table Reader


