
Plotly Examples

Volcano Surface Plot with Plotly Iris Dataset Sleep trend among different age groups Node 1Node 2Node 4Node 5Node 6Node 7Node 8Read sleep dataAssign colorsRecalculatetable specs sowe can properlyassign colorsGet the avgof sleep hours3D plot by year,age group, andtype of dayFilterout rowsthat aggregatesall age groupsRegroupcertain agegroups, andrelabel type of daysExclude AllDays aswe want to showthe split betweenweekdays andweekend/holidaysPlot by year andage groupAssign colorsAll daysTidy upcolumn name File Reader Surface Plot(Plotly) Excel Reader (XLS) Column Rename Bubble Chart(Plotly) Color Manager 3D ScatterPlot (Plotly) Excel Reader (XLS) Color Manager Domain Calculator GroupBy 3D ScatterPlot (Plotly) Row Filter Column Expressions Nominal ValueRow Filter Bubble Chart(Plotly) Color Manager Nominal ValueRow Filter Column Rename Volcano Surface Plot with Plotly Iris Dataset Sleep trend among different age groups Node 1Node 2Node 4Node 5Node 6Node 7Node 8Read sleep dataAssign colorsRecalculatetable specs sowe can properlyassign colorsGet the avgof sleep hours3D plot by year,age group, andtype of dayFilterout rowsthat aggregatesall age groupsRegroupcertain agegroups, andrelabel type of daysExclude AllDays aswe want to showthe split betweenweekdays andweekend/holidaysPlot by year andage groupAssign colorsAll daysTidy upcolumn name File Reader Surface Plot(Plotly) Excel Reader (XLS) Column Rename Bubble Chart(Plotly) Color Manager 3D ScatterPlot (Plotly) Excel Reader (XLS) Color Manager Domain Calculator GroupBy 3D ScatterPlot (Plotly) Row Filter Column Expressions Nominal ValueRow Filter Bubble Chart(Plotly) Color Manager Nominal ValueRow Filter Column Rename


