
Ecommerce NEW - Solution

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Read: -"eCommerce-TransactionsL3M.xlsx" -" eCommerce-TransactionsHistory" files with excel reader nodes Read: -"eCommerce-CustomerMD.csv" - "eCommerce-ProductMD.csv" files with csv reader nodes Concatenate historical and L3Mtransactions files Convert Customer ID tostring Left outer Joininformation fromconcatenatedtransactions file witheCommerce-CustomerMD.csv oncustomer ID Inner Join the new filewith eCommerce-ProductMD.csv to retrieveinfo on StockCode Calculate Sales bymultiplying the$Quantity$*$Price$ Manage missing values:fix Countries with no infowith value "Unspecified" Exclude rows withCategory = "Others" Sum sales and quantity grouping byStockCode,Description, Category,Subcategory Sum sales and quantity grouping byCountry Sort by decreasingsales Keep top 10 only Group loop for each subcategory, to keep only the top 3 products Sort by decreasingsales Write the following results in excel: - Top 10 products- Top products by subcategory- Top countries- 2019 Sales Convert Invoice_timeto date format Filter Invoices from2019 Calculate total Sales Calculate Sales->Sum Quantity->Sum Price->Meanat category level Create a flowvariablewith totals Calculate footprint>Sales/Sum(Sales)*100 Extract month numberof the invoice Sum sales bycategory and month Visualize sales bymonth Save the image withname Seasonality.svg Read transactions L3MRead transactions HistoryRead Customer MDConcatenatetransactionsConvert IDto stringCalculatesalesAggregateby productSort bydecreasingsalesExclude'Others'categoryKeep top 10 onlyFor eachsubcategoryKeep top 3 onlyConvert datesAggregateby categoryand monthSort bydecreasing salesManagemissing valuesSave reportOnly for 2019Aggregate byCategoryCalculatetotal salesCreate variablewith totalCalculate footprintVisualize sales by monthAggregateby countrySaves chart imageInner join on productsExtract monthsRead product MDLeft outer joinon customersNode 131 Excel Reader Excel Reader CSV Reader Concatenate Number to String Math Formula GroupBy Sorter Row Filter Row Filter Group Loop Start Row Filter String to Date&Time Pivot Sorter Missing Value Excel Writer Date&Time-basedRow Filter GroupBy GroupBy Table Rowto Variable Math Formula Line Plot(JavaScript) GroupBy Image Writer (Port) Joiner Extract Date&TimeFields CSV Reader Joiner Loop End Read: -"eCommerce-TransactionsL3M.xlsx" -" eCommerce-TransactionsHistory" files with excel reader nodes Read: -"eCommerce-CustomerMD.csv" - "eCommerce-ProductMD.csv" files with csv reader nodes Concatenate historical and L3Mtransactions files Convert Customer ID tostring Left outer Joininformation fromconcatenatedtransactions file witheCommerce-CustomerMD.csv oncustomer ID Inner Join the new filewith eCommerce-ProductMD.csv to retrieveinfo on StockCode Calculate Sales bymultiplying the$Quantity$*$Price$ Manage missing values:fix Countries with no infowith value "Unspecified" Exclude rows withCategory = "Others" Sum sales and quantity grouping byStockCode,Description, Category,Subcategory Sum sales and quantity grouping byCountry Sort by decreasingsales Keep top 10 only Group loop for each subcategory, to keep only the top 3 products Sort by decreasingsales Write the following results in excel: - Top 10 products- Top products by subcategory- Top countries- 2019 Sales Convert Invoice_timeto date format Filter Invoices from2019 Calculate total Sales Calculate Sales->Sum Quantity->Sum Price->Meanat category level Create a flowvariablewith totals Calculate footprint>Sales/Sum(Sales)*100 Extract month numberof the invoice Sum sales bycategory and month Visualize sales bymonth Save the image withname Seasonality.svg Read transactions L3MRead transactions HistoryRead Customer MDConcatenatetransactionsConvert IDto stringCalculatesalesAggregateby productSort bydecreasingsalesExclude'Others'categoryKeep top 10 onlyFor eachsubcategoryKeep top 3 onlyConvert datesAggregateby categoryand monthSort bydecreasing salesManagemissing valuesSave reportOnly for 2019Aggregate byCategoryCalculatetotal salesCreate variablewith totalCalculate footprintVisualize sales by monthAggregateby countrySaves chart imageInner join on productsExtract monthsRead product MDLeft outer joinon customersNode 131Excel Reader Excel Reader CSV Reader Concatenate Number to String Math Formula GroupBy Sorter Row Filter Row Filter Group Loop Start Row Filter String to Date&Time Pivot Sorter Missing Value Excel Writer Date&Time-basedRow Filter GroupBy GroupBy Table Rowto Variable Math Formula Line Plot(JavaScript) GroupBy Image Writer (Port) Joiner Extract Date&TimeFields CSV Reader Joiner Loop End


