
ChatGPT prompt on Historical Conversation

You can easily download and run the workflow directly in your KNIME installation. We recommend that you use the latest version of the KNIME Analytics Platform for optimal performance.

This workflow shows how to connect to the model behind ChatGPT and send prompts to it.

The key difference between a LLM and a ChatModel is that a ChatModel can refer to previous messages (conversation)

In order to run the workflow you need an OpenAI API key. If you don't have one already, register with OpenAI and create a new API key under https://platform.openai.com/account/api-keys

URL: OpenAI API Keys https://platform.openai.com/account/api-keys

Prompt OpenAI's ChatGPTThis workflow shows how to connect to the model behind ChatGPT and send prompts to it.In order to run the workflow you need an OpenAI API key. If you don't have one already, register with OpenAI and create a new API key under https://platform.openai.com/account/api-keysTo learn more about the workflow, click the left bar and check the description section. Provide an (empty) conversation table that has two string columns (Type, Message)OpenAI API KeyAuthenticate withAPI keyChoose a model e.g.gpt-3.5-turboFirst message withempty conversation,but with system prefixSecond (human) messagewith conversation historyWhat was myfirst message? Table Creator CredentialsConfiguration OpenAIAuthenticator OpenAI ChatModel Connector Chat Model Prompter Chat Model Prompter Chat Model Prompter Prompt OpenAI's ChatGPTThis workflow shows how to connect to the model behind ChatGPT and send prompts to it.In order to run the workflow you need an OpenAI API key. If you don't have one already, register with OpenAI and create a new API key under https://platform.openai.com/account/api-keysTo learn more about the workflow, click the left bar and check the description section. Provide an (empty) conversation table that has two string columns (Type, Message)OpenAI API KeyAuthenticate withAPI keyChoose a model e.g.gpt-3.5-turboFirst message withempty conversation,but with system prefixSecond (human) messagewith conversation historyWhat was myfirst message?Table Creator CredentialsConfiguration OpenAIAuthenticator OpenAI ChatModel Connector Chat Model Prompter Chat Model Prompter Chat Model Prompter


