

Read filedMifflin.xlsxNormalizethe DataSetPerformed clusterAnalysis with 3 clustersDenormalize resultsFirst LabelTableFirst Cluster MeanPerform SilhouetteAnalysis for DenormalizeDataFirst Cluster DescripterRead filedMifflin.xlsxNormalize theDataSetRun PCAwithout SatisfactionRun PCAwith 5 Variablesabsolute value for all variables1 Run OutPut2 Run OutPutabsolute value for all variablesRead filedMifflin.xlsxNormalize theDataSetPerformed clusterAnalysis with 2 ClustersSecond Cluster DescripterSecond Label TablePerform SilhouetteAnalysis for DenormalizeDataDenormalize ResultsSecond Cluster MeansRun PCAwith Customer Perception DataNormalizeDataRead filedMifflin.xlsxCustomer Perception Dataabsolute value for all variablesRun PCAwith 9 variablesabsolute value for all variablesCustomer Perception DataExcel Reader Normalizer k-Means Denormalizer Excel Writer Excel Writer SilhouetteCoefficient Excel Writer Excel Reader Normalizer PCA Compute PCA Compute Math Formula(Multi Column) Excel Writer Excel Writer Math Formula(Multi Column) Excel Reader Normalizer k-Means Excel Writer Excel Writer SilhouetteCoefficient Denormalizer Excel Writer PCA Compute Normalizer Excel Reader Excel Writer Math Formula(Multi Column) PCA Compute Math Formula(Multi Column) Excel Writer Read filedMifflin.xlsxNormalizethe DataSetPerformed clusterAnalysis with 3 clustersDenormalize resultsFirst LabelTableFirst Cluster MeanPerform SilhouetteAnalysis for DenormalizeDataFirst Cluster DescripterRead filedMifflin.xlsxNormalize theDataSetRun PCAwithout SatisfactionRun PCAwith 5 Variablesabsolute value for all variables1 Run OutPut2 Run OutPutabsolute value for all variablesRead filedMifflin.xlsxNormalize theDataSetPerformed clusterAnalysis with 2 ClustersSecond Cluster DescripterSecond Label TablePerform SilhouetteAnalysis for DenormalizeDataDenormalize ResultsSecond Cluster MeansRun PCAwith Customer Perception DataNormalizeDataRead filedMifflin.xlsxCustomer Perception Dataabsolute value for all variablesRun PCAwith 9 variablesabsolute value for all variablesCustomer Perception DataExcel Reader Normalizer k-Means Denormalizer Excel Writer Excel Writer SilhouetteCoefficient Excel Writer Excel Reader Normalizer PCA Compute PCA Compute Math Formula(Multi Column) Excel Writer Excel Writer Math Formula(Multi Column) Excel Reader Normalizer k-Means Excel Writer Excel Writer SilhouetteCoefficient Denormalizer Excel Writer PCA Compute Normalizer Excel Reader Excel Writer Math Formula(Multi Column) PCA Compute Math Formula(Multi Column) Excel Writer


