
22_​Write_​Data_​to_​File - Solution

22_Write_Data_to_File - Solution
Exercise Write Data to a File1) Read data adult.csv2) Calculate the total number of rows and average age for all women with income >50K per year3) Write the resulting table as a CSV file into the data folder using the knime:// protocol Read data adult.csv The total number of rows and average ageFilter women withincome >50K Write the resultingtable as a CSV file File Reader GroupBy Rule-basedRow Filter CSV Writer Exercise Write Data to a File1) Read data adult.csv2) Calculate the total number of rows and average age for all women with income >50K per year3) Write the resulting table as a CSV file into the data folder using the knime:// protocol Read data adult.csv The total number of rows and average ageFilter women withincome >50K Write the resultingtable as a CSV file File Reader GroupBy Rule-basedRow Filter CSV Writer


