

1 PreparationStep 1: GEE Authentication and Define FucntionsStep 2: Load Data and Convert into GEE ee.FeatureCollection objectsStep 3: Map Visualization 2 Get Data from GEESentinel-2 Data; MODIS Data;Filtered by area, date, etc.NDVI (Normalized Difference Vegetation Index) values for cropproductivity analysis;CHIRPS Precipitation Data; Extracts daily precipitation, aggregated to annual totals.analyze the relationship between rainfall and crop productivity.MODIS Land Surface Temperature.converted from Kelvin to Celsius.study the effect of temperature on crop growth. 3 Data ExtractionExtract values from raw data at specified resolutionsfor a defined point.Convert into DataFrame 4 VisualizationTime SeriesNDVI from Sentinel-2 and MODISPrecipitation and Temperature 6 Calculate Crop Productivity Metricsmaximum and minimum NDVI, start and end of the growing season NDVI.Sum NDVI over the growing season to assess overall crop productivity. 5 Data SmoothingSmooth the NDVI data to reduce noise and better capturethe overall trend. 7 Detrending AnalysisRemoves long-term trends from data tofocus on short-term variations or anomalies. 8 Relationships MultipointsComparison in different areas functionsimport_functionsrefugee_settlementsAdjumaniSentinel-2MODIS(NDVI raw)Visualization of the study areaPoint_Google SatelliteLSTLand Surface Temperatureannual_precipitationExtract NDVI valuesS2MODdata extractionPercipitationLSTDataFramesS2MODNDVI Over TimeDataFramesPercipitationLSTPrecipitation and Temperature Over TimeFilling Missing ValuesNearest and Linear InterpolationNDVI Smoothing s2_annual_summary_dfCurve Smoothingmod_annual_summary_dfCropland Productivity Metrics Trend in crop productivity, precipitation, and temperatureDetrendingPrecipitation vs Corp ProductivityCalculate Killing Degree Days(Treshold 39)Temperature vs Corp Productivity3D Plotpolynomial surface combined precipitation and temperatureActual vs Predicted NDVI IntegralSentinel-2MODISprecipitationLSTTo DFTo DFTo DFTo DFComparisonNDIVCurve SmoothingComparisonCrop Productivity MetricsDetrendingComparisonAnomalies Python Script Python Script GeoFile Reader GeoFile Reader GEE Authenticator(Web) GeoDataFrame ToFeature Collection GeoDataFrame ToFeature Collection Python Script Python View Python View Python Script Python Script Python Script Python Script Python Script Python View Python Script Python View Python View Python View Python Script Python Script Python Script Python View Python View Python Script Python View Python Script Python View Python View Python View Point_Based_Extraction Point_Based_Extraction Point_Based_Extraction Point_Based_Extraction Python Script Python Script Python Script Python Script Python View Python Script Python View Python Script Python View 1 PreparationStep 1: GEE Authentication and Define FucntionsStep 2: Load Data and Convert into GEE ee.FeatureCollection objectsStep 3: Map Visualization 2 Get Data from GEESentinel-2 Data; MODIS Data;Filtered by area, date, etc.NDVI (Normalized Difference Vegetation Index) values for cropproductivity analysis;CHIRPS Precipitation Data; Extracts daily precipitation, aggregated to annual totals.analyze the relationship between rainfall and crop productivity.MODIS Land Surface Temperature.converted from Kelvin to Celsius.study the effect of temperature on crop growth. 3 Data ExtractionExtract values from raw data at specified resolutionsfor a defined point.Convert into DataFrame 4 VisualizationTime SeriesNDVI from Sentinel-2 and MODISPrecipitation and Temperature 6 Calculate Crop Productivity Metricsmaximum and minimum NDVI, start and end of the growing season NDVI.Sum NDVI over the growing season to assess overall crop productivity. 5 Data SmoothingSmooth the NDVI data to reduce noise and better capturethe overall trend. 7 Detrending AnalysisRemoves long-term trends from data tofocus on short-term variations or anomalies. 8 Relationships MultipointsComparison in different areas functionsimport_functionsrefugee_settlementsAdjumaniSentinel-2MODIS(NDVI raw)Visualization of the study areaPoint_Google SatelliteLSTLand Surface Temperatureannual_precipitationExtract NDVI valuesS2MODdata extractionPercipitationLSTDataFramesS2MODNDVI Over TimeDataFramesPercipitationLSTPrecipitation and Temperature Over TimeFilling Missing ValuesNearest and Linear InterpolationNDVI Smoothing s2_annual_summary_dfCurve Smoothingmod_annual_summary_dfCropland Productivity Metrics Trend in crop productivity, precipitation, and temperatureDetrendingPrecipitation vs Corp ProductivityCalculate Killing Degree Days(Treshold 39)Temperature vs Corp Productivity3D Plotpolynomial surface combined precipitation and temperatureActual vs Predicted NDVI IntegralSentinel-2MODISprecipitationLSTTo DFTo DFTo DFTo DFComparisonNDIVCurve SmoothingComparisonCrop Productivity MetricsDetrendingComparisonAnomalies Python Script Python Script GeoFile Reader GeoFile Reader GEE Authenticator(Web) GeoDataFrame ToFeature Collection GeoDataFrame ToFeature Collection Python Script Python View Python View Python Script Python Script Python Script Python Script Python Script Python View Python Script Python View Python View Python View Python Script Python Script Python Script Python View Python View Python Script Python View Python Script Python View Python View Python View Point_Based_Extraction Point_Based_Extraction Point_Based_Extraction Point_Based_Extraction Python Script Python Script Python Script Python Script Python View Python Script Python View Python Script Python View


