
FVB-FMP QC Viewer Cellpainting heat maps 241008

Visualisation tool for quality control of Cellpainting data.

This workflow loads the QC heatmaps generated by the startCellProfiler python script and arranges the images into 4 columns according to the recorded channels DNA, ER, AGP, Mito into an interactive table.

URL: EU-OPENSCREEN https://www.eu-openscreen.eu/

Visualisation tool for quality control of Cellpainting data.This workflow loads the QC heatmaps generated by thestartCellProfiler python script and arranges the images into 4columns according to the recorded channels DNA, ER, AGP, Mitointo an interactive table. for increasing the heatmapimage size click into an imagedraw it larger select the folder containing the QC results(e.g. C:\CellprofilerQCOutput)Subdirectories will be scannedautomatically. load QC folderExtract Plate nameRead all QC heatmapsNode 14Node 17extract filenameextract segmentextract channelNode 21 List Files/Folders Path to String String Manipulation Read Images String to URI Table View Pivot String Manipulation Rule Engine Rule Engine Column Combiner Visualisation tool for quality control of Cellpainting data.This workflow loads the QC heatmaps generated by thestartCellProfiler python script and arranges the images into 4columns according to the recorded channels DNA, ER, AGP, Mitointo an interactive table. for increasing the heatmapimage size click into an imagedraw it larger select the folder containing the QC results(e.g. C:\CellprofilerQCOutput)Subdirectories will be scannedautomatically. load QC folderExtract Plate nameRead all QC heatmapsNode 14Node 17extract filenameextract segmentextract channelNode 21 List Files/Folders Path to String String Manipulation Read Images String to URI Table View Pivot String Manipulation Rule Engine Rule Engine Column Combiner


