

Market Basket Analysis: Building Association Rules
This workflow builds a recommandation engine for market basket analysis using the Borgelt version of the Apriori algorithm. Read data1. Transactions2. Productscalculate association rules("A priori" algorithm)- translate antecedent collectionto product name concatenations- associate consequent product ID to product name- calculate price stats and rule revenuewrite association rulesto a file Read HistoricalBasket Data Association RuleLearner (Borgelt) Ungroup collections DoubleConfiguration Table Writer This workflow builds a recommandation engine for market basket analysis using the Borgelt version of the Apriori algorithm. Read data1. Transactions2. Productscalculate association rules("A priori" algorithm)- translate antecedent collectionto product name concatenations- associate consequent product ID to product name- calculate price stats and rule revenuewrite association rulesto a fileRead HistoricalBasket Data Association RuleLearner (Borgelt) Ungroup collections DoubleConfiguration Table Writer


