

List All Jobs

This workflow allows to view all jobs that were ran on a KNIME Server. Admin Server Credentials are required to execute this workflow.

Query Jobs You can use this workflow to connect to a KNIME Server and list the jobs currently on the Server.For very large numbers of jobs you may need to increase the timeout in the GET Request node.The workflow can be run from any KNIME Analytics Platform that has access to a KNIME Server, or as a WebPortal application on a KNIME Server. Input REST API URLand Credentials String Manipulation(Variable) GET Request Table View Ungroup JSON Path Query Jobs You can use this workflow to connect to a KNIME Server and list the jobs currently on the Server.For very large numbers of jobs you may need to increase the timeout in the GET Request node.The workflow can be run from any KNIME Analytics Platform that has access to a KNIME Server, or as a WebPortal application on a KNIME Server. Input REST API URLand Credentials String Manipulation(Variable) GET Request Table View Ungroup JSON Path


