

Lexicon Based Approach for Sentiment Analysis
This workflow shows how to perform a lexicon based approach for sentiment analysis, which can be used in case no labeled data is available. MPQA Dictionaries Color by sentimentlabelCount number of wordsfor each documentCount number ofpositive and negativewords in documentand extract termsAssign PositiveTagsAssign Negative TagsRead articles from IMDB dataseCleaningstandardizationAccuracyPositive listNegative list Color Manager GroupBy Aggregate Dictionary Tagger Dictionary Tagger Calculate Score BoW - TF Read Data Preprocessing Scorer CSV Reader CSV Reader This workflow shows how to perform a lexicon based approach for sentiment analysis, which can be used in case no labeled data is available. MPQA Dictionaries Color by sentimentlabelCount number of wordsfor each documentCount number ofpositive and negativewords in documentand extract termsAssign PositiveTagsAssign Negative TagsRead articles from IMDB dataseCleaningstandardizationAccuracyPositive listNegative listColor Manager GroupBy Aggregate Dictionary Tagger Dictionary Tagger Calculate Score BoW - TF Read Data Preprocessing Scorer CSV Reader CSV Reader


