

Execute the workflow and open the interactive configuration to see the result of t-SNE, whose code is read from a Jupyter notebook stored in the workflow data.Requirements:- KNIME >= v3.7- A python installation that includes scikit-learn- The KNIME Python extensions, properly configured to use that python install Coloring by queriesCreate a visaulizationof the resultsSort so that weget consistent colorsRead document-topic mapRead topic-term mapPicks a subsetof the queriesfor faster calculation Python Script (1⇒1) Create CollectionColumn Color Manager Joiner Embedded documents Sorter Table Reader Table Reader Reduce dataset Execute the workflow and open the interactive configuration to see the result of t-SNE, whose code is read from a Jupyter notebook stored in the workflow data.Requirements:- KNIME >= v3.7- A python installation that includes scikit-learn- The KNIME Python extensions, properly configured to use that python install Coloring by queriesCreate a visaulizationof the resultsSort so that weget consistent colorsRead document-topic mapRead topic-term mapPicks a subsetof the queriesfor faster calculationPython Script (1⇒1) Create CollectionColumn Color Manager Joiner Embedded documents Sorter Table Reader Table Reader Reduce dataset


