

Customer prediction with H2O in KNIME
Customer prediction with H2O in KNIMEThe purpose of this workflow is to showcase the ease of use of theH2O functionalities from within KNIME. As a real world usecase wechose the "Restaurant Visitor Forecasting" competition onKaggle.com: https://www.kaggle.com/c/recruit-restaurant-visitor-forecasting Native KNIME nodes KNIME H2O Extensions Native KNIME nodes Mix of Native KNIMEnodes and the KNIMEH2O Extensions KNIME H2O Extensions Native KNIME nodes Change path to folder with unzipped data H2O Local Context Table to H2O Data preparation GeneralizedLinear Model GradientBoosting Machine Random Forest H2O MOJO Predictor(Regression) H2O Model to MOJO H2O MOJO Writer(deprecated) List Files(deprecated) Change table into Kagglesubmission format Select best model Customer prediction with H2O in KNIMEThe purpose of this workflow is to showcase the ease of use of theH2O functionalities from within KNIME. As a real world usecase wechose the "Restaurant Visitor Forecasting" competition onKaggle.com: https://www.kaggle.com/c/recruit-restaurant-visitor-forecasting Native KNIME nodes KNIME H2O Extensions Native KNIME nodes Mix of Native KNIMEnodes and the KNIMEH2O Extensions KNIME H2O Extensions Native KNIME nodes Change path to folder with unzipped data H2O Local Context Table to H2O Data preparation GeneralizedLinear Model GradientBoosting Machine Random Forest H2O MOJO Predictor(Regression) H2O Model to MOJO H2O MOJO Writer(deprecated) List Files(deprecated) Change table into Kagglesubmission format Select best model


