

Parallel Coordinates Plot Examples
This workflow demonstrates different ways to use the Parallel Coordinates Plot node. Parallel Coordinates - Standard settings- Range selection enabled- No color information included- After opening the view, click button in the upper right corner to select which Variables to display Parallel Coordinates - Colors- Adds colors via Color Manager node- Helps to distinguish which lines belong to a group Parallel Coordinates - Colors, curved lines- In addition to colors, this node also uses curved lines and 0.1 thickness- Click, Drag and Drop on one axis to make a selection. No colorsDefine colorsfor each variableAdded colorsAdded colors,curved lines Table Reader ParallelCoordinates Plot Color Manager ParallelCoordinates Plot ParallelCoordinates Plot This workflow demonstrates different ways to use the Parallel Coordinates Plot node. Parallel Coordinates - Standard settings- Range selection enabled- No color information included- After opening the view, click button in the upper right corner to select which Variables to display Parallel Coordinates - Colors- Adds colors via Color Manager node- Helps to distinguish which lines belong to a group Parallel Coordinates - Colors, curved lines- In addition to colors, this node also uses curved lines and 0.1 thickness- Click, Drag and Drop on one axis to make a selection. No colorsDefine colorsfor each variableAdded colorsAdded colors,curved linesTable Reader ParallelCoordinates Plot Color Manager ParallelCoordinates Plot ParallelCoordinates Plot


