

Simple Example for Binary Classification with Keras

This workflow trains a fully connected, feedforward network using the adult dataset.

Read and preprocess adult data Define network strucuture and train the network Apply trained network and extract predictions extract predictionAdam 80apply trainednetworkReLU, 6 Units81 InputsSigmoid; 1 UnitRelu; 6 UnitsDictionary tableAdult dataevaluate network performance Rule Engine Keras NetworkLearner Keras NetworkExecutor Keras Dense Layer Keras Input Layer Keras Dense Layer Keras Dense Layer Excel Reader (XLS) File Reader Preprocessing Scorer Read and preprocess adult data Define network strucuture and train the network Apply trained network and extract predictions extract predictionAdam 80apply trainednetworkReLU, 6 Units81 InputsSigmoid; 1 UnitRelu; 6 UnitsDictionary tableAdult dataevaluate network performance Rule Engine Keras NetworkLearner Keras NetworkExecutor Keras Dense Layer Keras Input Layer Keras Dense Layer Keras Dense Layer Excel Reader (XLS) File Reader Preprocessing Scorer


