
Node Run Maestro

Run Maestro and Run Maestro command:

Automate some rendering preparation and inspect structures in Maestro. Select residues interactively in Maestro and use this selection to build an ASL.[Version: 3.0.0] [Requires: Maestro]

Run Maestro and Run Maestro command: Automate some rendering preparation and inspect structures in Maestro. Select residuesinteractively in Maestro and use this selection to build an ASL. [Version: 3.0.0] [Requires: Maestro] You can collect the command to use in these nodes from another Maestro session fromWindow > Command script editor. Some commands may have to be generalized:eg labelatom compositionfields="Residue name;Residue number" (atom.ptype ' CA ') Add to an existing project knime://knime.workflow/input/Maestro.prjembedded in the workflowMore ligandsResidue selection as ASLFirst structureVisual inspection Label selected residuesfor all the structuresOnly CAInspect structurescolored by entryRun command for each input row prepare the renderingVisual inspectionof each binding siteProtein-ligandcomplexesRun Maestro Molecule Reader(to MAE) KNIME-MaestroConnector Row Filter Run Maestro Table Rowto Variable Molecule-to-MAE Run Maestro Command Java Snippet(simple) Run Maestro Run Maestro Command Run Maestro Get PDB Run Maestro and Run Maestro command: Automate some rendering preparation and inspect structures in Maestro. Select residuesinteractively in Maestro and use this selection to build an ASL. [Version: 3.0.0] [Requires: Maestro] You can collect the command to use in these nodes from another Maestro session fromWindow > Command script editor. Some commands may have to be generalized:eg labelatom compositionfields="Residue name;Residue number" (atom.ptype ' CA ') Add to an existing project knime://knime.workflow/input/Maestro.prjembedded in the workflowMore ligandsResidue selection as ASLFirst structureVisual inspection Label selected residuesfor all the structuresOnly CAInspect structurescolored by entryRun command for each input row prepare the renderingVisual inspectionof each binding siteProtein-ligandcomplexesRun Maestro Molecule Reader(to MAE) KNIME-MaestroConnector Row Filter Run Maestro Table Rowto Variable Molecule-to-MAE Run Maestro Command Java Snippet(simple) Run Maestro Run Maestro Command Run Maestro Get PDB


