

Looping over Every Column
Looping over Every ColumnThis workflow demonstrates how to loop over every column from input data and replace specific character/string withmissing value using Column Expressions node.Forum link: https://forum.knime.com/t/filling-empty-strings-with-previous-rows-value/10063/4 Input DataLoop over every columnConvert "-"to missing valueEnd LoopFlow variable for Replace Column parameter in Column Expressions Table Creator Column ListLoop Start Column Expressions Loop End (ColumnAppend) BooleanConfiguration Looping over Every ColumnThis workflow demonstrates how to loop over every column from input data and replace specific character/string withmissing value using Column Expressions node.Forum link: https://forum.knime.com/t/filling-empty-strings-with-previous-rows-value/10063/4 Input DataLoop over every columnConvert "-"to missing valueEnd LoopFlow variable for Replace Column parameter in Column Expressions Table Creator Column ListLoop Start Column Expressions Loop End (ColumnAppend) BooleanConfiguration


