

KBL: Chapter 2 Exercise2
Workflow: Chapter 2/Exercise 2 This exercise: - reads the data file data1_new.csv generated in the previous exercise Chapter2/Exercise 1.- filters rows and columns- writes resulting data table to a new fileThe particularity here is in the Column Filter, since we filter out all Integer columns using a typebased filtering and not just a manual filtering. readdata1_new.csvwas created inprevious exerciseExercise1exclude rows withcomments = "average"write new data table to data1_new.csvexclude integer columns File Reader Row Filter CSV Writer Column Filter Workflow: Chapter 2/Exercise 2 This exercise: - reads the data file data1_new.csv generated in the previous exercise Chapter2/Exercise 1.- filters rows and columns- writes resulting data table to a new fileThe particularity here is in the Column Filter, since we filter out all Integer columns using a typebased filtering and not just a manual filtering. readdata1_new.csvwas created inprevious exerciseExercise1exclude rows withcomments = "average"write new data table to data1_new.csvexclude integer columnsFile Reader Row Filter CSV Writer Column Filter


