
Comparing Random Forest in KNIME vs Python-SKlearn

Comparing the results of a random forest model : KNIME vs Python

A random forest model is executed multiple times in KNIME and in Python, using sklearn in a Python Script node. The results are compared. And you will see that there is no difference between both approaches.

Node 28Node 29Reading Python OutputNode 40Node 277Node 295Node 296Node 297Node 300Partitioning Scorer (JavaScript) Random Forest File Reader Number To String(deprecated) Python Script (2⇒1) CSV Reader Counting Loop Start Loop End Metanode Component Node 28Node 29Reading Python OutputNode 40Node 277Node 295Node 296Node 297Node 300Partitioning Scorer (JavaScript) Random Forest File Reader Number To String(deprecated) Python Script (2⇒1) CSV Reader Counting Loop Start Loop End Metanode Component


