
Fun with Numbers

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First Pass - Use Bayesian Optimization (TPE) to find a shotgun minimum Second Pass - Use Hillclimbing to find a global minimum Dimension Reduction Anomoly Detection Isolation Trees support vector machinesMFP - Minimum feature prefix Generate MDSColors, cuz y not<= 2500 RowsTRUTH:RoundedParameterzzzTPEMinimize that.Make me somenumbersSquared ErrorSum SESumSE to VarCurveObjectiveNode 21Minimum ObjGet Minimum BestFirst of BestSquared ErrorSumSE to VarMake me somenumbersSum SEParameterzzzHillClimbMinimize that.ObjectiveNode 42Node 43CurveNode 45Node 46Node 47Node 48>50k DataNode 50Node 64Node 80this needs a data shuffleNode 89Node 90Node 91Node 92Node 93Node 94Node 95Node 96Node 97Node 98Node 99Node 100Node 101Node 125Node 126Node 127Node 128Node 131Node 132Node 146Node 147Node 151Node 154Node 155Select Anomoly ClusterDownsampleAnomolyNode 26202400 RowsNode 2623Node 2624Node 2625Node 2626Node 2627Node 2628Node 2629Node 2630Node 2631Node 2632Node 2633Node 2634Node 2635Node 2636Node 2637Node 2638 Data Generator Color Manager Row Sampling Math Formula Parameter OptimizationLoop Start ParameterOptimization Loop End Math Formula Math Formula GroupBy Table Row to Variable(deprecated) Line Plot(JavaScript) Column Filter Sorter GroupBy Joiner (deprecated) GroupBy Table Row to Variable(deprecated) Column Filter Math Formula Table Row to Variable(deprecated) Math Formula GroupBy Parameter OptimizationLoop Start ParameterOptimization Loop End Column Filter Concatenate Column Rename(Regex) GroupBy Column Rename(deprecated) Column Rename(deprecated) Line Plot(JavaScript) RProp MLP Learner MultiLayerPerceptronPredictor Partitioning Scorer (JavaScript) File Reader(deprecated) File Reader(deprecated) NAMES Joiner (deprecated) For Dim Red Naive Bayes Learner Naive BayesPredictor Scorer (JavaScript) Normalizer Normalizer (Apply) Partitioning Naive Bayes Learner Naive BayesPredictor Scorer (JavaScript) Column Filter Parameter OptimizationLoop Start ParameterOptimization Loop End Table Row to Variable(deprecated) Math Formula Line Plot(JavaScript) GroupBy Table Row to Variable(deprecated) Normalizer Line h4x Scorer (JavaScript) PCA Reduce Distance MatrixCalculate k-Medoids Line Plot(JavaScript) Nominal ValueRow Splitter Row Sampling Concatenate Row Sampling Concatenate H2O IsolationForest Learner H2O IsolationForest Predictor H2O Local Context Table to H2O H2O to Table Conditional BoxPlot (JavaScript) Conditional BoxPlot (JavaScript) SVM Learner SVM Predictor Scorer (JavaScript) Table Creator Table Row to Variable(deprecated) CSV Writer Python Script(legacy) 3D ScatterPlot (Plotly) First Pass - Use Bayesian Optimization (TPE) to find a shotgun minimum Second Pass - Use Hillclimbing to find a global minimum Dimension Reduction Anomoly Detection Isolation Trees support vector machinesMFP - Minimum feature prefix Generate MDSColors, cuz y not<= 2500 RowsTRUTH:RoundedParameterzzzTPEMinimize that.Make me somenumbersSquared ErrorSum SESumSE to VarCurveObjectiveNode 21Minimum ObjGet Minimum BestFirst of BestSquared ErrorSumSE to VarMake me somenumbersSum SEParameterzzzHillClimbMinimize that.ObjectiveNode 42Node 43CurveNode 45Node 46Node 47Node 48>50k DataNode 50Node 64Node 80this needs a data shuffleNode 89Node 90Node 91Node 92Node 93Node 94Node 95Node 96Node 97Node 98Node 99Node 100Node 101Node 125Node 126Node 127Node 128Node 131Node 132Node 146Node 147Node 151Node 154Node 155Select Anomoly ClusterDownsampleAnomolyNode 26202400 RowsNode 2623Node 2624Node 2625Node 2626Node 2627Node 2628Node 2629Node 2630Node 2631Node 2632Node 2633Node 2634Node 2635Node 2636Node 2637Node 2638Data Generator Color Manager Row Sampling Math Formula Parameter OptimizationLoop Start ParameterOptimization Loop End Math Formula Math Formula GroupBy Table Row to Variable(deprecated) Line Plot(JavaScript) Column Filter Sorter GroupBy Joiner (deprecated) GroupBy Table Row to Variable(deprecated) Column Filter Math Formula Table Row to Variable(deprecated) Math Formula GroupBy Parameter OptimizationLoop Start ParameterOptimization Loop End Column Filter Concatenate Column Rename(Regex) GroupBy Column Rename(deprecated) Column Rename(deprecated) Line Plot(JavaScript) RProp MLP Learner MultiLayerPerceptronPredictor Partitioning Scorer (JavaScript) File Reader(deprecated) File Reader(deprecated) NAMES Joiner (deprecated) For Dim Red Naive Bayes Learner Naive BayesPredictor Scorer (JavaScript) Normalizer Normalizer (Apply) Partitioning Naive Bayes Learner Naive BayesPredictor Scorer (JavaScript) Column Filter Parameter OptimizationLoop Start ParameterOptimization Loop End Table Row to Variable(deprecated) Math Formula Line Plot(JavaScript) GroupBy Table Row to Variable(deprecated) Normalizer Line h4x Scorer (JavaScript) PCA Reduce Distance MatrixCalculate k-Medoids Line Plot(JavaScript) Nominal ValueRow Splitter Row Sampling Concatenate Row Sampling Concatenate H2O IsolationForest Learner H2O IsolationForest Predictor H2O Local Context Table to H2O H2O to Table Conditional BoxPlot (JavaScript) Conditional BoxPlot (JavaScript) SVM Learner SVM Predictor Scorer (JavaScript) Table Creator Table Row to Variable(deprecated) CSV Writer Python Script(legacy) 3D ScatterPlot (Plotly)


