

Groupby ID,Month, Year, DayCalculateCumulativeSUMCUMULATIVE_AMOUNTIDYEARMONTHDAYTIMEAMOUNT$CUMULATIVE_AMOUNT$ < 20000 => TRUETop input goes to the Loop End nodeBottom input goes back to the start for processingIf value in CUMULATIVE_AMOUNTis less than the max value of that column, add 1 to a new column called Flagremove CUMULATIVE_AMOUNTcolumn before next iterationcalculate maxvalue inCUMULATIVE_AMOUNTcolumnNode 36Group Loop Start Moving Aggregation Column Rename GenerateRandom Data Rule-basedRow Splitter RecursiveLoop Start Recursive Loop End Rule Engine Column Filter Math Formula Loop End Groupby ID,Month, Year, DayCalculateCumulativeSUMCUMULATIVE_AMOUNTIDYEARMONTHDAYTIMEAMOUNT$CUMULATIVE_AMOUNT$ < 20000 => TRUETop input goes to the Loop End nodeBottom input goes back to the start for processingIf value in CUMULATIVE_AMOUNTis less than the max value of that column, add 1 to a new column called Flagremove CUMULATIVE_AMOUNTcolumn before next iterationcalculate maxvalue inCUMULATIVE_AMOUNTcolumnNode 36Group Loop Start Moving Aggregation Column Rename GenerateRandom Data Rule-basedRow Splitter RecursiveLoop Start Recursive Loop End Rule Engine Column Filter Math Formula Loop End


