
Evaluate value in a column and use that value for new column v2

sample data withFileFormatFind FileFormat ORFundIDheader clean-upApply to all rowssample data with FundIDApply to all rowsheader clean-upFind FileFormat ORFundIDsplitfilter name onlyvalue only from row xheader rowNode 14Table Creator Column Expressions String Manipulation Missing Value Table Creator Missing Value String Manipulation Column Expressions Cell Splitter Column Filter Java Snippet Row Filter Table Rowto Variable sample data withFileFormatFind FileFormat ORFundIDheader clean-upApply to all rowssample data with FundIDApply to all rowsheader clean-upFind FileFormat ORFundIDsplitfilter name onlyvalue only from row xheader rowNode 14Table Creator Column Expressions String Manipulation Missing Value Table Creator Missing Value String Manipulation Column Expressions Cell Splitter Column Filter Java Snippet Row Filter Table Rowto Variable


