
Sorting comma separated list

A couple of methods for sorting a comma separated string.

String Manipulation is a "java hack", but always fun

sample dataCreate new columnsAggregate as sorted list(specify the set of columnscreated by Cell Splitterusing regex or wildcard)Ungroup the aggregationcolumnRe-group the "ungrouped"column as a concatenationgrouping by every column exceptthe "ungrouped" columnfun with String ManipulationTable Creator Cell Splitter Column Aggregator Ungroup GroupBy String Manipulation sample dataCreate new columnsAggregate as sorted list(specify the set of columnscreated by Cell Splitterusing regex or wildcard)Ungroup the aggregationcolumnRe-group the "ungrouped"column as a concatenationgrouping by every column exceptthe "ungrouped" columnfun with String ManipulationTable Creator Cell Splitter Column Aggregator Ungroup GroupBy String Manipulation


