
Round up times to next quarter hour

Use time calculation to derive the next quarter hour from the current time, rounding up to the nearest quarter hour.

sample datadetermine secondssince midnightcalculate secondssince midnight as a multiple ofquarter hours, roundingup to the next quarter hourin the calculation:900= a quarter hour expressed as seconds899 = quarter hour minus 1 second, used to round a time that is not on the quarter hour up to the next quarter hourconvert secondsback to a timeTable Creator Date&TimeDifference Math Formula UNIX Timestampto Date&Time sample datadetermine secondssince midnightcalculate secondssince midnight as a multiple ofquarter hours, roundingup to the next quarter hourin the calculation:900= a quarter hour expressed as seconds899 = quarter hour minus 1 second, used to round a time that is not on the quarter hour up to the next quarter hourconvert secondsback to a timeTable Creator Date&TimeDifference Math Formula UNIX Timestampto Date&Time


