

Demo workflow (based on workflow supplied on forum) to show how flow variables modified via separate routes can be
safely merged back together without the first edit overriding the other two routes.

Each of the three flows must create its own unique variable, and then this can be put back into the correct flow variable AFTER the Merge Variables, by something like a Java Edit Variable node

Brian Bates @takbb 17 April 2021

Merge variables receives the same set offlow variables from all three sources.It will use the first flow variable of a givenname supplied by each sourceAs Customer is the only variable modifiedby the first source, Customer is the onlychange that is passed on the next iteration The set of flow variables received fromsources 2 and 3 into Merge variableswill only be used if they aren't passed inby source 1.Therefore inputs 2 and 3 will be ignoredin this situation, unless they havedifferent names to those used by input 1 The Java Edit Variablereturns the three modifiedvalues into their requiredvariables in the workflow Create Template For Single DoorInputsNode 1255Node 1256Node 1259Node 1260Node 1261Node 1262Node 1265Node 1267Node 1268Node 1279Node 1281Edit CustomerEdit DoorDefinitionArchEdit ModelNoPass on the modified variables Table Creator Merge Variables Variable toTable Row ExtractColumn Header Concatenate Transpose Column Rename Table Rowto Variable Transpose RowID RecursiveLoop Start Recursive Loop End Java Edit Variable Java Edit Variable Java Edit Variable Java Edit Variable Merge variables receives the same set offlow variables from all three sources.It will use the first flow variable of a givenname supplied by each sourceAs Customer is the only variable modifiedby the first source, Customer is the onlychange that is passed on the next iteration The set of flow variables received fromsources 2 and 3 into Merge variableswill only be used if they aren't passed inby source 1.Therefore inputs 2 and 3 will be ignoredin this situation, unless they havedifferent names to those used by input 1 The Java Edit Variablereturns the three modifiedvalues into their requiredvariables in the workflow Create Template For Single DoorInputsNode 1255Node 1256Node 1259Node 1260Node 1261Node 1262Node 1265Node 1267Node 1268Node 1279Node 1281Edit CustomerEdit DoorDefinitionArchEdit ModelNoPass on the modified variablesTable Creator Merge Variables Variable toTable Row ExtractColumn Header Concatenate Transpose Column Rename Table Rowto Variable Transpose RowID RecursiveLoop Start Recursive Loop End Java Edit Variable Java Edit Variable Java Edit Variable Java Edit Variable


