
Calculate number of weekdays and weekends of customer stay

Node 1Get Day of theweek for eachof the datesGet all dates betweenarrival and departureNode 6Classify weekdayvs weekendGet countof weekdayand weekendNode 9Move resultsinto columnsAdd backarrival anddepartureNode 12Resort thecolumnsReplace missingcounts with 0Table Creator Extract Date&TimeFields Create Date&TimeRange Table Row ToVariable Loop Start Rule Engine GroupBy RowID Transpose Column Expressions Loop End Column Resorter Missing Value Node 1Get Day of theweek for eachof the datesGet all dates betweenarrival and departureNode 6Classify weekdayvs weekendGet countof weekdayand weekendNode 9Move resultsinto columnsAdd backarrival anddepartureNode 12Resort thecolumnsReplace missingcounts with 0Table Creator Extract Date&TimeFields Create Date&TimeRange Table Row ToVariable Loop Start Rule Engine GroupBy RowID Transpose Column Expressions Loop End Column Resorter Missing Value


