

There is more than one lookup row forsome parents. "Unexpectedly" generates 21 rows whichis "correct" for the data supplied, but notwhat we wanted "Parent duplication removed"Creates 1 row for each invoice, so 15rows. Once we have established there isduplication, we need to manually inspectthe lookup data, and decide how it shouldbe fixed, or whether we need to changeour JOIN rules Correct join and data produces exactly 15rows from the join 15 INVOICESINVOICE PARENT LOOKUPJoin on Invoice NameLeft Outer JoinINVOICE PARENT LOOKUPWITH DUPLICATESJoin on Invoice NameLeft Outer Join15 INVOICESThis removes the duplicated parents,but we will need to go back and look at the data as we werenot expecting this duplicationJoin on Invoice NameLeft Outer Join Table Creator Table Creator Joiner Table Creator Joiner Table Creator DuplicateRow Filter Joiner There is more than one lookup row forsome parents. "Unexpectedly" generates 21 rows whichis "correct" for the data supplied, but notwhat we wanted "Parent duplication removed"Creates 1 row for each invoice, so 15rows. Once we have established there isduplication, we need to manually inspectthe lookup data, and decide how it shouldbe fixed, or whether we need to changeour JOIN rules Correct join and data produces exactly 15rows from the join 15 INVOICESINVOICE PARENT LOOKUPJoin on Invoice NameLeft Outer JoinINVOICE PARENT LOOKUPWITH DUPLICATESJoin on Invoice NameLeft Outer Join15 INVOICESThis removes the duplicated parents,but we will need to go back and look at the data as we werenot expecting this duplicationJoin on Invoice NameLeft Outer Join Table Creator Table Creator Joiner Table Creator Joiner Table Creator DuplicateRow Filter Joiner


