
Aylık tediye inceleme çalışması

1- ASPLAKA NO ve karşı plaka no düzenlenir veakışa yüklenir MAVİ BÖLÜM SORGUSUNDAN GELEN VERİ EŞLEŞTİRİLDİ AYLIK TEDİYE İNCELEME KTT TESPİT AYLIK KTT VERİSİ SORGUSUNA GÖMÜLECEK VERİ DOSYA BAZINDA ÖDEMELER DOSYA BAZINDA HAK SAHİPLERİ Node 6Node 7Node 8Node 9Node 10Node 11Node 12Node 13Node 14Node 15Node 16Node 172 ARAÇLI KAZALAR FİLTRELENDİNode 21Node 22Node 23Node 24Node 25Node 26AS PLAKA KTTVERİ SONUÇLARINode 28Node 29Node 30Node 31Node 32Node 33Node 34Node 35Node 36Node 37Node 38Node 39Node 40AS PLAKA KTTVERİ SONUÇLARINode 42Node 43Node 45Node 46Node 47Node 48Node 49Node 50Node 51Node 52Node 53Node 54Node 55Node 56Node 57Node 58Node 59Node 60Node 68Node 69 Excel Reader Excel Reader Column Combiner Column Combiner Column Resorter Joiner Missing Value Excel Reader Column Combiner Joiner Column Resorter Rule Engine Row Filter Number To String Column Filter Excel Writer Excel Reader String Manipulation Column Combiner Joiner Rule Engine Joiner Missing Value Row Filter Column Combiner DuplicateRow Filter DuplicateRow Filter Column Combiner String Manipulation Column Combiner DuplicateRow Filter Column Combiner DuplicateRow Filter Joiner Column Combiner DuplicateRow Filter Column Combiner DuplicateRow Filter Column Rename Joiner Excel Writer Excel Reader Pivoting Row Filter Joiner Missing Value Excel Reader Rule Engine GroupBy Joiner Row Filter Column Comparator Column Appender Table Creator 1- ASPLAKA NO ve karşı plaka no düzenlenir veakışa yüklenir MAVİ BÖLÜM SORGUSUNDAN GELEN VERİ EŞLEŞTİRİLDİ AYLIK TEDİYE İNCELEME KTT TESPİT AYLIK KTT VERİSİ SORGUSUNA GÖMÜLECEK VERİ DOSYA BAZINDA ÖDEMELER DOSYA BAZINDA HAK SAHİPLERİ Node 6Node 7Node 8Node 9Node 10Node 11Node 12Node 13Node 14Node 15Node 16Node 172 ARAÇLI KAZALAR FİLTRELENDİNode 21Node 22Node 23Node 24Node 25Node 26AS PLAKA KTTVERİ SONUÇLARINode 28Node 29Node 30Node 31Node 32Node 33Node 34Node 35Node 36Node 37Node 38Node 39Node 40AS PLAKA KTTVERİ SONUÇLARINode 42Node 43Node 45Node 46Node 47Node 48Node 49Node 50Node 51Node 52Node 53Node 54Node 55Node 56Node 57Node 58Node 59Node 60Node 68Node 69 Excel Reader Excel Reader Column Combiner Column Combiner Column Resorter Joiner Missing Value Excel Reader Column Combiner Joiner Column Resorter Rule Engine Row Filter Number To String Column Filter Excel Writer Excel Reader String Manipulation Column Combiner Joiner Rule Engine Joiner Missing Value Row Filter Column Combiner DuplicateRow Filter DuplicateRow Filter Column Combiner String Manipulation Column Combiner DuplicateRow Filter Column Combiner DuplicateRow Filter Joiner Column Combiner DuplicateRow Filter Column Combiner DuplicateRow Filter Column Rename Joiner Excel Writer Excel Reader Pivoting Row Filter Joiner Missing Value Excel Reader Rule Engine GroupBy Joiner Row Filter Column Comparator Column Appender Table Creator


