

Second File ConfigurationFirst File ConfigurationConvert to URIConvert to rowConvert URI to variableConvert URI to variableConvert to rowConvert to URIRead file 1Read file 2Node 23Java Edit Variable Java Edit Variable String to URI Variable to TableRow (deprecated) Table Row to Variable(deprecated) Table Row to Variable(deprecated) Variable to TableRow (deprecated) String to URI Fixed WidthFile Reader Fixed WidthFile Reader Simple File Reader Second File ConfigurationFirst File ConfigurationConvert to URIConvert to rowConvert URI to variableConvert URI to variableConvert to rowConvert to URIRead file 1Read file 2Node 23Java Edit Variable Java Edit Variable String to URI Variable to TableRow (deprecated) Table Row to Variable(deprecated) Table Row to Variable(deprecated) Variable to TableRow (deprecated) String to URI Fixed WidthFile Reader Fixed WidthFile Reader Simple File Reader


