
Flow Variable Dependencies

SampleData20192019 Q1Create Excel FileAdd Sheet & Open fileDate with extracolumnJoin tablesVacationPolicyAdd SheetNode 21Node 22Node 23Table Creator Nominal ValueRow Filter Nominal ValueRow Filter Excel Writer (XLS) Excel SheetAppender (XLS) Table Creator Concatenate Nominal ValueRow Filter Excel SheetAppender (XLS) Nominal ValueRow Filter Empty Table Switch End IF SampleData20192019 Q1Create Excel FileAdd Sheet & Open fileDate with extracolumnJoin tablesVacationPolicyAdd SheetNode 21Node 22Node 23Table Creator Nominal ValueRow Filter Nominal ValueRow Filter Excel Writer (XLS) Excel SheetAppender (XLS) Table Creator Concatenate Nominal ValueRow Filter Excel SheetAppender (XLS) Nominal ValueRow Filter Empty Table Switch End IF


