
20220601 Pikairos Connected groups using Network Mining nodes

20210929 Pikairos Create a lists of clustered nodes in a network

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empty networkinsert edgesYour Datahave a look at thecreated networkExtract allnon-connectedsubgraphsinto separated rowsExtract CurrentGraph NodesLoop overSubgraphsConvert each rowinto a new graphGroup Nodesas Set and asUnique Concatenated ListLoop overall SubgraphsMake surethat the Subgraphsare uniqueAdd Marker #Filter Out ValuesUngroup Clusterof Nodes in SameSubgraphJoin Nodesin Same Subgraphby PairsMake sure there are notsame Pairs Twicewith same Nodesby in Inverse OrderSort Pairsof NodesBased onFirst Node &then 2nd Node IdentifiersYour DesiredResultNetwork Creator Object Inserter Table Creator Network Viewer(local) SubGraph Extractor Node Table Chunk Loop Start Row To Network GroupBy Loop End DuplicateRow Filter String Manipulation Rule-basedRow Filter RowID Ungroup Joiner Rule-basedRow Filter Sorter InteractiveTable (local) empty networkinsert edgesYour Datahave a look at thecreated networkExtract allnon-connectedsubgraphsinto separated rowsExtract CurrentGraph NodesLoop overSubgraphsConvert each rowinto a new graphGroup Nodesas Set and asUnique Concatenated ListLoop overall SubgraphsMake surethat the Subgraphsare uniqueAdd Marker #Filter Out ValuesUngroup Clusterof Nodes in SameSubgraphJoin Nodesin Same Subgraphby PairsMake sure there are notsame Pairs Twicewith same Nodesby in Inverse OrderSort Pairsof NodesBased onFirst Node &then 2nd Node IdentifiersYour DesiredResultNetwork Creator Object Inserter Table Creator Network Viewer(local) SubGraph Extractor Node Table Chunk Loop Start Row To Network GroupBy Loop End DuplicateRow Filter String Manipulation Rule-basedRow Filter RowID Ungroup Joiner Rule-basedRow Filter Sorter InteractiveTable (local)


