
20210501 Pikairos Compare Sets Example

I have two string who is made up of different substring.
I need to check whether the two string is same or not
String 1: “pl12, 78we, fg45” String 2 “78we, fg45, pl12”
Answer: true (because all the substring of string 1 is in string 2)

Example DataConvert into Listif repetition is importantCreate a RowIDIndex columnfor later useUngroupto allow sortingSortbefore concatenation1st case :Aggregate usingConcatenateif repetition should be takeninto accout for equalityCross Jointo later checkwhich ones arethe same stringsCheck Equality ?On top those identicalOn bottom those different2nd case :Aggregate usingUnique Concatenateif repetition is not importantfor equalityCross Jointo later checkwhich ones arethe same stringsCheck Equality ?On top those identicalOn bottom those differentTable Creator Cell Splitter Math Formula Ungroup Sorter GroupBy Cross Joiner Rule-basedRow Splitter GroupBy Cross Joiner Rule-basedRow Splitter Example DataConvert into Listif repetition is importantCreate a RowIDIndex columnfor later useUngroupto allow sortingSortbefore concatenation1st case :Aggregate usingConcatenateif repetition should be takeninto accout for equalityCross Jointo later checkwhich ones arethe same stringsCheck Equality ?On top those identicalOn bottom those different2nd case :Aggregate usingUnique Concatenateif repetition is not importantfor equalityCross Jointo later checkwhich ones arethe same stringsCheck Equality ?On top those identicalOn bottom those differentTable Creator Cell Splitter Math Formula Ungroup Sorter GroupBy Cross Joiner Rule-basedRow Splitter GroupBy Cross Joiner Rule-basedRow Splitter


