
s3 (2)

Market Basket Analysis: Building Association Rules

This workflow builds a recommandation engine for market basket analysis using the Borgelt version of the Apriori algorithm.

1. Read Transaction/Basket data and Product data
2. Using "A priori" algorithm, build association rule set
- min. set size = 1
- min rule confidence = 10%
- min support is controlled by Double Input Quickform node in %
3. Translate Antecedent collections into product name concatenations
4. Translate Consequent Item ID into Consequent Product Name
5. Calculate price stats and rule revenue
6. Write assciation rule set to file

This workflow builds a recommandation engine for market basket analysis using the Borgelt version of the Apriori algorithm. Split Rowsdepending on DateCodingDatewith Year firstDatewith Year LastSort Ascendingby DateGroup byMember_numberAggregate byItemDescriptionRead data1. Transactions2. Productscalculate association rules("A priori" algorithm)- translate antecedent collectionto product name concatenations- associate consequent product ID to product name- calculate price stats and rule revenuewrite association rulesto a fileRow Splitter String to Date&Time String to Date&Time Concatenate Sorter GroupBy Read HistoricalBasket Data Association RuleLearner (Borgelt) Ungroup collections DoubleConfiguration Table Writer This workflow builds a recommandation engine for market basket analysis using the Borgelt version of the Apriori algorithm. Split Rowsdepending on DateCodingDatewith Year firstDatewith Year LastSort Ascendingby DateGroup byMember_numberAggregate byItemDescriptionRead data1. Transactions2. Productscalculate association rules("A priori" algorithm)- translate antecedent collectionto product name concatenations- associate consequent product ID to product name- calculate price stats and rule revenuewrite association rulesto a fileRow Splitter String to Date&Time String to Date&Time Concatenate Sorter GroupBy Read HistoricalBasket Data Association RuleLearner (Borgelt) Ungroup collections DoubleConfiguration Table Writer


