
Find Closest Date

Sample dataTranslate toactual datesApply a sequentialrow counterto be used forjoining back againlaterJoin all rows within a countryto all other rowsfor that countryGet difference in days betweendatesDates matched withImportant DatesOnlyAbsolute difference(ignore sign)DiscardImportant DatesFind Min DifferenceBy Country and Row CounterUse joiner to filteronly those originalrows matchinga minimum dateTidy upApply resultsback to originaldata setusing LeftOuter Joinon counter(and remove counter columns as a tidy-up)Rename to "Important Date"and"Closest Important Day"Table Creator String to Date&Time Counter Generation Joiner Date&TimeDifference Row Filter Math Formula Row Filter GroupBy Joiner Column Filter Joiner Column Rename Sample dataTranslate toactual datesApply a sequentialrow counterto be used forjoining back againlaterJoin all rows within a countryto all other rowsfor that countryGet difference in days betweendatesDates matched withImportant DatesOnlyAbsolute difference(ignore sign)DiscardImportant DatesFind Min DifferenceBy Country and Row CounterUse joiner to filteronly those originalrows matchinga minimum dateTidy upApply resultsback to originaldata setusing LeftOuter Joinon counter(and remove counter columns as a tidy-up)Rename to "Important Date"and"Closest Important Day"Table Creator String to Date&Time Counter Generation Joiner Date&TimeDifference Row Filter Math Formula Row Filter GroupBy Joiner Column Filter Joiner Column Rename


