

Node 2Node 17Find best valuefor Boosting Roundswith Random Search10-fold cross validationNode 99Node 104Send avg accuracy as variaablePerformance MetricNode 1540Node 1541Node 1543Node 1544Store the accuracyfor k foldsNode 1546Node 1547Column ListLoop Start Partitioning Parameter OptimizationLoop Start X-Partitioner XGBoost TreeEnsemble Learner XGBoost Predictor Table Rowto Variable Metric forEvaluation Score ParameterOptimization Loop End Single SelectionConfiguration FP and Descriptors Missing Value Inject Variables(Data) Number To String Loop End Loop End (ColumnAppend) File Reader Node 2Node 17Find best valuefor Boosting Roundswith Random Search10-fold cross validationNode 99Node 104Send avg accuracy as variaablePerformance MetricNode 1540Node 1541Node 1543Node 1544Store the accuracyfor k foldsNode 1546Node 1547Column ListLoop Start Partitioning Parameter OptimizationLoop Start X-Partitioner XGBoost TreeEnsemble Learner XGBoost Predictor Table Rowto Variable Metric forEvaluation Score ParameterOptimization Loop End Single SelectionConfiguration FP and Descriptors Missing Value Inject Variables(Data) Number To String Loop End Loop End (ColumnAppend) File Reader


