
Sample Data_​Bruno_​2

Sample Data_Bruno

There has been no description set for this workflow's metadata.

DataAggregate Qtyby ID, Store, DateDate of 3months agoJoin date of3 months agowith original datasetto get Qty of3 months agoDate of 4months agoJoin date of4 months agowith original datasetto get Qty of4 months agoTable Creator GroupBy Date&Time Shift Joiner Date&Time Shift Joiner DataAggregate Qtyby ID, Store, DateDate of 3months agoJoin date of3 months agowith original datasetto get Qty of3 months agoDate of 4months agoJoin date of4 months agowith original datasetto get Qty of4 months agoTable Creator GroupBy Date&Time Shift Joiner Date&Time Shift Joiner


