

GET DATA FROM PREVIOUS CYCLEPAYROLL DATA FROM COUNTRY FILES GOOGLE SHEETSCONNECTIONSIGN IN TO GOOGLE GET DATA FROM CURRENT CYCLEBRING THE PAYROLL FILE PROVIDED BY PRODUCT TEAM QA OF PRODUCT PAYROLL FILE FLAG NEW EMPLOYEE FLAG SALARY CHANGE EMPTY COLUMNS GET DATA FROM ALL ACTIVE EOREMPLOYEESIDEALLY WE WOULD RUN THEALL EORs QUERY DIRECTLYHERE MISSING/EXTRA EMPLOYEES GET DATA FROM TERMINATIONS DATES HANDLING GET DATA FROM CURRENT CYCLE -BONUSES Milestone Payroll Items QA Duplicate Signing bonus QA GET DATA FROM CANCELLATIONS Cancellations Terminations GET DATA FROM DAYS_OFF TIME OFF CURRENT CYCLE MODIFIED BY COREOPS WERE ISSUES SOLVED BY CORE OPS? FLAG NEW EMPLOYEE FLAG SALARY CHANGE MISSING/EXTRA EMPLOYEES Milestone Payroll Items QA Duplicate Signing bonus QA Cancellations Terminations TIME OFF HEALTHCARE DATA HEALTHCARE FOR GOOGLE SHEETS AUTOMATION Terry: please uncomment theconditions in the Rule engineinside the metanode Reading ProductPayroll FileUPDATENode 2Node 3Filter countrythat still don`thave a payrollfileFilter countriesthat have file butemptyADD TO LISTQuery allemployeesTO BE UPDATEDTerminationsEliminate blank rowsRun everytimeReading ProductPayroll FileUPDATECancellationsLIST OFISSUESJoinerOnly Ready to process - In PayrollfileOnly Ready to process - notin payroll fileDAYS OFFNode 99Dates andcyclesNode 120Node 121Node 122Provides startand sign thresholddatesto be checkedIs days taken OK?Node 146Node 151Node 152Node 167Node 169Node 171EXTRAHEALTHCARENode 186Node 187Node 189Node 190Node 191Node 192Node 193Node 194MISSINGNode 207Node 208Node 209Node 210Node 211Node 212Node 213Node 214Node 215Node 217Node 222Node 223Node 224Node 225Node 226Node 227Node 228Google SheetsReader Google SheetsConnection GoogleAuthentication Row Filter Rule-basedRow Filter File Reader Google SheetsReader Row Filter Create Date&TimeRange Google SheetsReader Google SheetsReader Joiner Joiner Row Filter Row Filter Google SheetsReader Joiner Rule Engine Joiner Joiner Rule Engine String to Date&Time Dates Handling Row Filter Rule Engine Previous CyclePayroll Cycles Names Current CyclePayroll String to Date/Time(legacy) Row Filter Rule Engine Row Filter EXTRA employeesin payroll Google SheetsReader Joiner Rule Engine String To Number Math Formula Math Formula Math Formula Math Formula Column Filter MISSING employeesfrom payroll Google SheetsUpdater GroupBy Table Rowto Variable Google SheetsUpdater Google SheetsUpdater Google SheetsUpdater Google SheetsUpdater Google SheetsUpdater Google SheetsUpdater Google SheetsUpdater Google SheetsUpdater With tag NewEmployee Without tagNew employee Empty columns Flag Salary Change Large Bonuses Sign-in bonus GET DATA FROM PREVIOUS CYCLEPAYROLL DATA FROM COUNTRY FILES GOOGLE SHEETSCONNECTIONSIGN IN TO GOOGLE GET DATA FROM CURRENT CYCLEBRING THE PAYROLL FILE PROVIDED BY PRODUCT TEAM QA OF PRODUCT PAYROLL FILE FLAG NEW EMPLOYEE FLAG SALARY CHANGE EMPTY COLUMNS GET DATA FROM ALL ACTIVE EOREMPLOYEESIDEALLY WE WOULD RUN THEALL EORs QUERY DIRECTLYHERE MISSING/EXTRA EMPLOYEES GET DATA FROM TERMINATIONS DATES HANDLING GET DATA FROM CURRENT CYCLE -BONUSES Milestone Payroll Items QA Duplicate Signing bonus QA GET DATA FROM CANCELLATIONS Cancellations Terminations GET DATA FROM DAYS_OFF TIME OFF CURRENT CYCLE MODIFIED BY COREOPS WERE ISSUES SOLVED BY CORE OPS? FLAG NEW EMPLOYEE FLAG SALARY CHANGE MISSING/EXTRA EMPLOYEES Milestone Payroll Items QA Duplicate Signing bonus QA Cancellations Terminations TIME OFF HEALTHCARE DATA HEALTHCARE FOR GOOGLE SHEETS AUTOMATION Terry: please uncomment theconditions in the Rule engineinside the metanode Reading ProductPayroll FileUPDATENode 2Node 3Filter countrythat still don`thave a payrollfileFilter countriesthat have file butemptyADD TO LISTQuery allemployeesTO BE UPDATEDTerminationsEliminate blank rowsRun everytimeReading ProductPayroll FileUPDATECancellationsLIST OFISSUESJoinerOnly Ready to process - In PayrollfileOnly Ready to process - notin payroll fileDAYS OFFNode 99Dates andcyclesNode 120Node 121Node 122Provides startand sign thresholddatesto be checkedIs days taken OK?Node 146Node 151Node 152Node 167Node 169Node 171EXTRAHEALTHCARENode 186Node 187Node 189Node 190Node 191Node 192Node 193Node 194MISSINGNode 207Node 208Node 209Node 210Node 211Node 212Node 213Node 214Node 215Node 217Node 222Node 223Node 224Node 225Node 226Node 227Node 228Google SheetsReader Google SheetsConnection GoogleAuthentication Row Filter Rule-basedRow Filter File Reader Google SheetsReader Row Filter Create Date&TimeRange Google SheetsReader Google SheetsReader Joiner Joiner Row Filter Row Filter Google SheetsReader Joiner Rule Engine Joiner Joiner Rule Engine String to Date&Time Dates Handling Row Filter Rule Engine Previous CyclePayroll Cycles Names Current CyclePayroll String to Date/Time(legacy) Row Filter Rule Engine Row Filter EXTRA employeesin payroll Google SheetsReader Joiner Rule Engine String To Number Math Formula Math Formula Math Formula Math Formula Column Filter MISSING employeesfrom payroll Google SheetsUpdater GroupBy Table Rowto Variable Google SheetsUpdater Google SheetsUpdater Google SheetsUpdater Google SheetsUpdater Google SheetsUpdater Google SheetsUpdater Google SheetsUpdater Google SheetsUpdater With tag NewEmployee Without tagNew employee Empty columns Flag Salary Change Large Bonuses Sign-in bonus


