

my error logging get file pathsif no data exists,stoperror loggingget all files from directoryread xmlNode 120Node 121fill table1fill table2Node 124Node 125Node 126Node 127 Extract URI Info Table Row ToVariable Loop Start Empty Table Switch DB Insert Try (VariablePorts) Variable toTable Column Table Creator Catch Errors(Data Ports) Loop End List Remote Files XML Reader URL to FilePath (Variable) XPath DB Insert DB Insert Variable toTable Column Empty Table Creator PostgreSQLConnector PostgreSQLConnector my error logging get file pathsif no data exists,stoperror loggingget all files from directoryread xmlNode 120Node 121fill table1fill table2Node 124Node 125Node 126Node 127Extract URI Info Table Row ToVariable Loop Start Empty Table Switch DB Insert Try (VariablePorts) Variable toTable Column Table Creator Catch Errors(Data Ports) Loop End List Remote Files XML Reader URL to FilePath (Variable) XPath DB Insert DB Insert Variable toTable Column Empty Table Creator PostgreSQLConnector PostgreSQLConnector


