
20220110 Pikairos Whois domain with get request

There has been no description set for this workflow's metadata.

Your Web Sitesget all postsjoin( "http://whois.nic.ir/WHOIS?name=", $URL$)Keep onlyExpiration InformationSplit Resultinto separate Rowsas a ListUngroup Listinto RowsTable Creator HTTP Retriever HTML Parser String Manipulation Rule-basedRow Filter HTML Node to Text Cell Splitter Ungroup Your Web Sitesget all postsjoin( "http://whois.nic.ir/WHOIS?name=", $URL$)Keep onlyExpiration InformationSplit Resultinto separate Rowsas a ListUngroup Listinto RowsTable Creator HTTP Retriever HTML Parser String Manipulation Rule-basedRow Filter HTML Node to Text Cell Splitter Ungroup


