

time columns: Survival_Duration; LC_Duration; RC.Duration; DC_Durationevent columns: Death or Cancer Death; LocalControl, RegionalControl,DistantControlgroup columns: Age, Gender, Birth_Place, DxDate, Histology, ICD10, T, N, M,Stage, P16, Tx_Intent, Surgery, Rad, Chemo, Immuno,Brachy, Hormone, Modality_Type https://forum.knime.com/t/oncology-kaplan-meier-survival-analysis-suggestions/30334https://forum.knime.com/t/oncology-kaplan-meier-survival-analysis-suggestions-ii/46493 1. include an option to output to PNG file with a definable name and locationA: see workaround in workflow2. when a group is chosen for analysis, permit the choice of 1 or more of the values A: the node allows to have several groups within the analysis, so I am not exactly sure I understand what you mean?3. permit the selection of groups.a. For example, cancers with the ICD10 codes of C00-C14 and C30-C32 are all grouped into “Head & Neck Cancers”b. For example, I may wish to compare a group of cancers (i.e., only C01, C08, C09) with a particular biological parameter (i.e.,was p16+ or p16-) and a particular treatment (i.e., had chemotherapy or immunotherapy). This is a frequently used analysis typein medicine.A: As these kind of comparisons are highly specific for individual data sets and not standardized, this is close to impossibleto integrate into the configuration of the node. Workaround is respective data preparation (can be achieved e.g. with the RuleEngine node). In case your data sets do look pretty similar, you could create a component to do that. 4. where there is no selection of groups (see #2), the null/blank entries should be ignored. This could also be added as an option(Ignore blanks/Ignore nulls)A: Workaround is respective data preparation (a Row Filter node)5. Adding in a Cox Log-Rank statistic would be very very useful. Adding in the 95% Confidence Interval would also be useful. A: maybe the Math formula node or Single sample t-test node can help? convert survival columns (event columns) to booleanCLINICALData.xlsconvert to pngconvert toimage objectspecify file name and location3a group different ICD10 codes together3b compare group of cancers with parameter and treatmentfilter out missing values Column Expressions Excel Reader Kaplan-MeierEstimator Image To Table Renderer to Image Table To Image Image Writer (Port) Rule Engine Rule Engine Row Filter Kaplan-MeierEstimator Kaplan-MeierEstimator Single samplet-test time columns: Survival_Duration; LC_Duration; RC.Duration; DC_Durationevent columns: Death or Cancer Death; LocalControl, RegionalControl,DistantControlgroup columns: Age, Gender, Birth_Place, DxDate, Histology, ICD10, T, N, M,Stage, P16, Tx_Intent, Surgery, Rad, Chemo, Immuno,Brachy, Hormone, Modality_Type https://forum.knime.com/t/oncology-kaplan-meier-survival-analysis-suggestions/30334https://forum.knime.com/t/oncology-kaplan-meier-survival-analysis-suggestions-ii/46493 1. include an option to output to PNG file with a definable name and location A: see workaround in workflow2. when a group is chosen for analysis, permit the choice of 1 or more of the values A: the node allows to have several groups within the analysis, so I am not exactly sure I understand what you mean?3. permit the selection of groups.a. For example, cancers with the ICD10 codes of C00-C14 and C30-C32 are all grouped into “Head & Neck Cancers”b. For example, I may wish to compare a group of cancers (i.e., only C01, C08, C09) with a particular biological parameter (i.e.,was p16+ or p16-) and a particular treatment (i.e., had chemotherapy or immunotherapy). This is a frequently used analysis typein medicine.A: As these kind of comparisons are highly specific for individual data sets and not standardized, this is close to impossibleto integrate into the configuration of the node. Workaround is respective data preparation (can be achieved e.g. with the RuleEngine node). In case your data sets do look pretty similar, you could create a component to do that. 4. where there is no selection of groups (see #2), the null/blank entries should be ignored. This could also be added as an option(Ignore blanks/Ignore nulls)A: Workaround is respective data preparation (a Row Filter node)5. Adding in a Cox Log-Rank statistic would be very very useful. Adding in the 95% Confidence Interval would also be useful. A: maybe the Math formula node or Single sample t-test node can help? convert survival columns (event columns) to booleanCLINICALData.xlsconvert to pngconvert toimage objectspecify file name and location3a group different ICD10 codes together3b compare group of cancers with parameter and treatmentfilter out missing values Column Expressions Excel Reader Kaplan-MeierEstimator Image To Table Renderer to Image Table To Image Image Writer (Port) Rule Engine Rule Engine Row Filter Kaplan-MeierEstimator Kaplan-MeierEstimator Single samplet-test


