

A workflow runs another workflow and passes a table and a variable

Here we demo how to use the Call Workflow (Table Based) node, which can execute another workflow on the same machine (locally or on the server). This, e.g. helps to use functionality that other workflows provide and modularize workflows in general.

Please make sure that the workflow group"_called_workflows" is avaible next to this workflow. A workflow runs another workflow and passes a table and a variableHere we demo how to use the Call Workflow (Table Based) node, which can execute another workflow on the same machine(locally or on the server). This, e.g. helps to use functionality that other workflows provide and modularize workflows in general.We are performing a prediction task. The read data set is scored via a previously built model in the workflow that is called. Thepassed variable additionally configures the workflow called.For more information on the data set see https://archive.ics.uci.edu/ml/datasets/Statlog+(Landsat+Satellite) Node 13Node 14Node 15 Call Workflow (TableBased) (deprecated) Table Reader(deprecated) Scorer (deprecated) Use Soft Voting? Please make sure that the workflow group"_called_workflows" is avaible next to this workflow. A workflow runs another workflow and passes a table and a variableHere we demo how to use the Call Workflow (Table Based) node, which can execute another workflow on the same machine(locally or on the server). This, e.g. helps to use functionality that other workflows provide and modularize workflows in general.We are performing a prediction task. The read data set is scored via a previously built model in the workflow that is called. Thepassed variable additionally configures the workflow called.For more information on the data set see https://archive.ics.uci.edu/ml/datasets/Statlog+(Landsat+Satellite) Node 13Node 14Node 15 Call Workflow (TableBased) (deprecated) Table Reader(deprecated) Scorer (deprecated) Use Soft Voting?


