
Market Simulation

This directory contains 26 workflows.

IconMS-202 Market Shock v05 

[Market Simulation] MS-202 Market Shock Shows how a shock to the Market (like suddenly higher raw material costs) causes all demand to drop. Over time […]

IconMS-221 Random Coupons v05 

[Market Simulation] MS-221 Random Coupons Explores the effectiveness of sending coupons to randomly selected Customer Demographic groups. Uses the […]

IconMS-222 Promotion Saturation v05 

[Market Simulation] MS-222 Promotion Saturation Customers are initially unaware of a new Product or Service. But awareness improves after repeated […]

IconMS-231 Package Bundling v05 

[Market Simulation] MS-231 Package Bundling Customers already have the choice of purchasing two individual Products instead of just one. But what would […]

IconMS-241 Dynamic Costs v05 

[Market Simulation] MS-241 Dynamic Costs Dynamic Costs mean the incremental Cost of making and selling a Product can change. For example, the Cost To […]

IconMS-242 Dynamic Prices v05 

[Market Simulation] MS-242 Dynamic Prices Dynamic Prices allow Prices to vary by Customers. Different Customers might get different Prices because they […]