

This directory contains 54 workflows.

Icon20221008 Pikairos Change ONLY first occurrence of specific string in a column 

20221007 Pikairos Replace ONLY first occurrence of a word in a specific string in a column Replace ONLY first occurrence of a word in a specific string […]

Icon20221008 Pikairos Mean of the n lowest consecutive hours 

20221008 Pikairos Mean of the n lowest consecutive hours i have a dataset with hourly consumption data. I need the mean result of the lowest 8 […]

Icon20221110 Pikairos Split Text in String Cells based on Maximum Allowed Number of Characters in String 

20221110 Pikairos Split Text in Sentence based on maximum length of cell content in characters The component in this workflow allows to slipt a given […]

Icon20221111 Pikairos Divide by a Row value and Multiply by a constant 

20221111 Pikairos Divide by a Row value and Multiply by a constant Divide each column by the respective last row value and multiply each cell by 100 […]

Icon20221124 Pikairos How to filter rows based on a list of terms using the Cross Joiner and Rule Base filter nodes 

20221124 Pikairos How to filter rows based on a list of terms using the Cross Joiner and Rule Base filter nodes This workflow shows how to to filter […]

Icon20221125 Pikairos How to calculate the surface of a geometry or polygon 

This workflow shows how to calculate the surface of a geometry (polygon) based on the Spatial Processing Nodes provided by EIFER (European Institute for […]

Icon20221207 Pikairos Bayesian Classifier for CDPK1 using H20 plugin and Fingerprints 

This workflow tries to bring an answer to question asked in the KNIME forum thread https://forum.knime.com/t/table-to-h2o-using-fingerprints/52933 […]

Icon20221221 Pikairos Case Switch Flow Variable Example with Variables Propagation 

This workflow shows how to use the -If CASE- and -SWITCH CASE End- nodes with variable propagation.

Icon20221229 Pikairos calculate average value per hour for non uniformly sampled time data series 

This workflows brings an answer to the question asked at post # 57613: I have a time data series that is not uniform (values are taken at arbitrary […]

Icon20221230 Pikairos String to Date and Time 

This workflow brings a possible answer to question asked in post #57772 on the KNIME forum: I’m starter to use Knime. How to convert string to date&time?