
Workflow Snippets

This directory contains 44 workflows.

IconExternal Tools 

This shows a simple example of calling the external tools node. The workflow data directory contains all the necessay […]


Fetch Data from Database This example workflow shows how to retrieve data from SQLite database. Specifically, it shows how to select columns from a table […]

IconFormat Multiple Excel Sheets 

This workflow snippet provides you with an example of how you can set up a loop that iterates over each sheet in a file and use a Control Table node that […]

IconGenerating chemical fingerprints 

This short workflow demonstrates how to generate chemical fingerpints using different methods. It uses nodes from the RDKit and the Vernalis extensions […]

IconGET Request 

In this workflow snippet, we will use the REST service provided by MyGene.info [1,2] (https://mygene.info/) to obtain a list of human genes related to […]

IconIntegrate Execution Date in File Name 

If a workflow is executed on a regular basis you might want to add the execution date to the file name to avoid overwriting the file from the previous day. […]


This workflow shows how to do a time-to-event analysis using an ADaM* (in particular a ADTTE.xpt) dataset. ADaM datasets are mainly stored in .xpt file […]

IconLoad and apply Python model in KNIME 

The workflow snippet demonstrates how to load and apply a model, which was created and trained in Python, in KNIME. The Conda Environment Propagation node […]

IconMachine Learning Chemistry 

This workflow snippet demonstrates how to train a bioactivity model using chemical structures. From the chemical structure we generate hashed bit-based […]

IconManipulate several columns at once 

This workflow snippet demonstrates the usage of the Table Manipulator node. With the Table Manipulator node you can resort your column order, filter them as […]