Spotify Nodes

Explore the World of Music and Podcasts!

Spotify is the world's most popular audio streaming subscription service with 433 million monthly active users across 184 markets, which gives you access to more than 80 million songs and other content from creators all over the world.

Spotify Nodes

Spotify Nodes are free and make all of Spotify's features easily accessible for KNIME users from within the KNIME Analytics Platform. Developed and maintained by NodePit, Spotify Nodes allow you to search the whole Spotify catalogue, get various information about artists, albums, shows, genres, and tracks, as well as update and share your personal profile and playlists and control your Spotify player on any device.

While Spotify Nodes are free and easy to use without an account within the KNIME Analytics Platform, Spotify requires a free or paid account.


When using the Spotify Nodes for the first time, you need to follow some manual steps to create and properly configure your new or existing Spotify account:

  1. If you don't have a Spotify account yet, please create a new account for free here.
  2. Open the Spotify Dashboard and create a new application by clicking on Create An App. Provide App name and App description of your choice and accept Spotify's Developer Terms of Service.
  3. On your application page click on Edit Settings and specify the Redirect URIs as follows: http://localhost:54321. If you want to make your application accessible to others (e.g. customers, co-workers), add more users under Users And Access.
  4. Copy your Client ID and Client Secret from your application page. You need to specify both in the OAuth 2.0 node to authenticate with Spotify.

If you have any questions, comments, or problems, we are happy to hear from you:

We’re not affiliated with Spotify AB.


VendorNodePit GbR
AddressBienertstraße 33,01187 Dresden,Germany



Further Links


To use this product in KNIME, install the extension Spotify Nodes from the below update site:


A zipped version of the software site can be downloaded here.

NodePit Exclusive Only available on NodePit