NodePit Batch

Run your KNIME workflows headless

NodePit Batch is the easy way to run your KNIME workflows headless from the command line on your local Linux, Mac or Windows machine or your server. No graphical interface (GUI), command line only, maximum flexibility!

NodePit Batch integrates with the KNIME Analytics Platform and provides you with a clean and simple command line interface (CLI) to configure and run your workflows the way you want.

Getting Started

  1. Install NodePit Batch on your KNIME Analytics Platform via KNIME GUI or NodePit for KNIME. As an alterantive you can also install it via CLI using one of the below commands. Please make sure to use an update site that matches the version of your KNIME Analytics Platform.

     ./knime \
       -nosplash \
       -application org.eclipse.equinox.p2.director \
       -repository \
     ./ \
       -nosplash \
       -application org.eclipse.equinox.p2.director \
       -repository \
     knime.exe \
       -nosplash \
       -consoleLog \
       -noexit \
       -application org.eclipse.equinox.p2.director \
       -repository \
  2. Run your workflows from the command line. To see all parameters and options, please run the following command.

     ./knime \
       -nosplash \
       -application com.nodepit.batch.application.NodePitBatchExecutor
     ./ \
       -nosplash \
       -application com.nodepit.batch.application.NodePitBatchExecutor
     knime.exe \
       -nosplash \
       -consoleLog \
       -noexit \
       -application com.nodepit.batch.application.NodePitBatchExecutor

    A basic ready-to-use example based on a rudimentary workflow looks like this:

     ./knime \
       -nosplash \
       -application com.nodepit.batch.application.NodePitBatchExecutor \
     ./ \
       -nosplash \
       -application com.nodepit.batch.application.NodePitBatchExecutor \
     knime.exe \
       -nosplash \
       -consoleLog \
       -noexit \
       -application com.nodepit.batch.application.NodePitBatchExecutor \
  3. Become creative! Run your workflow on demand or use a scheduling tool (e.g. Windows Task Scheduler, Mac Automator, or cron) to execute your workflows regularly and automatized.


Run Your Workflows With Ease
NodePit Batch comes with a lean and mean command-line interface with meaningful defaults that take the pain out of running workflows headless.
Workflows From Anywhere
No matter where and how you store your workflows. NodePit Batch supports KNIME workflows (aka “KNWF”) and KNIME archives (aka “KNAR”) from your local machine or any URL on the Internet.
Support for Credentials and Variables
You need to pass workflow credentials and flow variables to your workflow. At your service! NodePit Batch allows you to pass them to make your execution as flexible as possible.
Powered and Maintained by NodePit
Since more than five years we drive innovation in the KNIME universe and deliver free and commercial high-quality nodes and workflows to community and partners. Benefit from our expertise and run your workflows the “NodePit Way”.
You’re Missing a Feature?
NodePit Batch has been developed and improved based on numerous feedback from the community. If you miss a feature please get in touch with us.


VendorNodePit GbR
AddressBienertstraße 33,01187 Dresden,Germany



To use this product in KNIME, install the extension NodePit Batch from the below update site:


A zipped version of the software site can be downloaded here.

NodePit Exclusive Only available on NodePit